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E-cigarettes to be legal in Seychelles, a move welcomed by smokers, business

Time:2021-11-12 Views:2043
    E-cigarettes are mainly composed of e-liquid (containing nicotine, flavor, solvent propylene glycol, etc.), heating system, power supply, and filter. Through heating and atomization, an aerosol with a specific odor is produced for smokers to use. The use of electronic cigarettes to replace ordinary dry cigarettes is becoming more and more popular in the world. And it is already legalized in some countries. Let’s take a look at some attitudes towards the legalization of e-cigarettes in Seychelles.

    After the approval of the cabinet minister, Seychelles will legalize the use of electronic cigarettes and issue new regulations to incorporate alternative nicotine products under Seychelles tobacco control law. All alternative nicotine products are still forbidden currently in Seychelles now.

   The Seychelles Tobacco Control Act will classify alternative nicotine products (ANDS) as tobacco products, meaning that all provisions under Seychelles tobacco control law will be applied to the manufacture, distribution, sale and use of ANDS.
    Seychelles drafted the first Tobacco Control Act in 2009, when alternative nicotine products were not available in the market. Therefore, amending the law will ensure that consumers and sellers comply with the “framework”. Under the new regulations, sellers will also need a license. In addition, since label is the only difference between traditional tobacco products and alternative nicotine products, the warning labels for the two should be different. The details are still among formulation. It has been speculated that alternative nicotine products could help smokers to quit smoking. Compared with real cigarettes, alternative nicotine products are less harmful to health, due to its lower nicotine concentration and less harmful substances.
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